Support mandates
Here are proposed mandates in support of the 2024 climate unlimited general strike that can be voted on at a general assembly in your student association, your affinity group, your organization, etc.
Proposal for a mandate to support the committee organizing the GGI climatic (before the assembly of January 21, therefore before the vote on a demand)
Considering the ad hoc climate strikes that have been taking place since March 2019;
Considering that, despite the walkouts, decision-makers maintain the status quo;
Considering that the climate crisis is already affecting vulnerable populations, thus increasing injustice;
Considering the absurdity of studying to feed a dysfunctional system that aggravates inequalities;
Considering the mobilizing force represented by the student population;
Considering the many victorious unlimited general strikes led by the student population;
Considering the urgency to act in the face of the climate crisis;
THAT ____ (student association name) supports the committee organizing an indefinite climate general strike for 2024;
THAT ___ be actively involved in the committee organizing the unlimited climate general strike;
THAT representatives of ___ come to the popular assembly of January 21 to vote on the strike demand;
THAT ___ supports the idea and the steps to hold an indefinite climate general strike in 2024.
Proposal for a support mandate for the committee organizing the GGI Climatique and for advocacy (after the meeting of January 21)
Considering the ad hoc climate strikes that have been taking place since March 2019;
Considering that, despite the walkouts, decision-makers maintain the status quo;
Considering that the climate crisis is already affecting vulnerable populations, thus increasing injustice;
Considering the absurdity of studying to feed a dysfunctional system that aggravates inequalities;
Considering the mobilizing force represented by the student population;
Considering the many victorious unlimited general strikes led by the student population;
Considering the urgency to act in the face of the climate crisis;
THAT ____ (student association name) supports the committee organizing an indefinite climate general strike for 2024;
THAT ___ be actively involved in the committee organizing the unlimited climate general strike;
THAT ___ positions itself for the demand that was voted in popular assembly on January 21, which is as follows:COMING
THAT ___ use this demand in its spring 2023 climate strikes, if any;
THAT ___ supports the idea and the steps to hold an indefinite climate general strike in 2024.
Proposal for a mandate to support the demand voted on January 21
Considering that on January 21, a popular assembly was held where demands were discussed and voted on;
Considering that these voted demands would serve for the climate strikes of 2023 leading to the unlimited general strike in 2024;
Considering that these demands must lead to political gains with adversaries;
Considering that these demands voted in assembly must be able to mobilize the student population and civil society;
Considering the urgency to act for climate justice;
Considering the political inaction of decision makers in terms of climate justice;
THAT ___ supports the demands voted in popular assembly on January 21;
THAT ____ include these demands in its spring 2023 climate strikes, without changing them along the way;
THAT ___ mobilize the student population around these demands.